Thursday, 19 May 2011

.it's been a while.

I'd like to apologize, firstly for my absence of blogs lately! May has surely been an extremely busy month for me, especially this year!

May is seeding month! We are busy putting in our 3200 acres of land for the season! Not only are we busy seeding, we have also been kept very busy with all the repairs and errands, not to mention when we manage to get the machinery stuck! It's been a very wet spring this year, and the machinery seems to be slopping around in the mud! Just yesterday, my father got the cultivator stuck, and in the process of pulling it out, we pulled the wheel off... yikes!

Good one Dad! 

Along with the seeding and the farm-work I have also been very busy at school.

2011 is my graduation year, and next Friday is my high school graduation ceremony. Being an avid leader within the school, I have been busy preparing a speech to thank the teachers alongside a fellow classmate to be said at the ceremonies. Also, being president of the students union I have been organizing a year end field trip. With all this and studying for exams that are coming up so quickly I can't seem to find the time to inform you guys of anything new! Diploma's are coming up so fast, and Grad makes things so hectic!

Sorry I haven't been keeping up lately, but I will try my best to get on here and blog whenever I can!

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